Friday, July 6, 2012

Outside the Box

Yesterday we spent the day with our very dear friends...We will call them the Browns. The Browns have a very large family which consists of A mama bear, a daddy bear, and 10 baby bears. Yes I said 10. Not to mention all the strays they graciously take into their home when one is in need. The Brown's definitely live outside what society considers " The Norm". And we all know that when one lives outside "The Norm", one is labeled with words such as weird, irresponsible, and strange. I've heard people say things like, Who in their right mind would have so many kids? They are so weird. I would NEVER do that. Have they ever heard of birth control?  And admittedly, I am guilty of some of these thoughts as well, but that was before I got to know them.  

You see, The Brown's, don't care what society thinks of them.  They are a God loving family, with bible based beliefs and values.  The baby bears address all elders as Mr. or Mrs. So and So. They have the type of manners that make parents like me, want to send my children to them for obedience training. And the absolute BEST thing about this family, particularly Mama and Papa Bear, is that they practice what they preach. They do not try to appear one way to the world, and a different way at home, like so many people do. They are The Browns, no matter where they are.  I have seen them in many different social settings, from church, to the grocery store, and they are who they are, and you can take it, or leave it. And that is what I, absolutely respect above all, about them!

You see, I was raised in a family that seemed to ONLY care about what society thought. I watched my parents, my mother especially, struggle to attain an upper class status in life. And I know that a mother only wants whats best for her children, and we got the best of the best when it came to "things", but we didn't seem to get the best of the best of her. Now don't get me wrong, my mother loved us and worked hard for us, but in the 15 years I knew my mom, I really only have sketchy memories of her worrying about getting "more" and "better" stuff. She wanted to keep up with everyone else, to live in the best neighborhoods, drive the nice cars, wear the nice clothes...but the fact of the matter is, we had all of that, but we never really had her. Then, in 1991, she was gone. She died at 41, from ALS. 

So, like the Brown's, I too, live somewhat outside "The Norm". I learned at an early age that life is short. Too short to worry about what people, who you don't know, and who don't care about you, think. I have had many lessons on this subject through out my life but the bottom line is this; God, my children, my husband, and my small group of finely selected friends, know that I love them because I TELL them. I SHOW them. I PRAY for them. They are the ones who matter to me. They are the ones who's opinions I value and who's advice I take. And though I am a respectful woman, I try to be kind to everyone, I care about what happens to all people, I advocate for different humane causes, I don't do any of this to gain a certain status in life. I do it because it is the way I want to live. It is the example I want to set to my children and those I care about.  It is who I am. And society can take it, or leave it. 

Love, Kindness, Laughter, and Faith

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