Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July

Happy July 4th!  To me though, it's more like, Happy National Blow up your Paycheck Day, boys!  Yes, I am not a huge fan of the fourth of July.  I am a proud to be an American and all that patriotic stuff, but I truly believe that most people have lost sight of what Independence Day actually means.  To me, the Fourth of July has represented a day that I have to comfort whichever small child is out of his mind with terror due to the annoying and obnoxious fireworks. And that would be all of my children at some point.  None of them were ever fans of the "boom booms" when they were small.  And Olivia, is still not. My boys have become fans, but they are boys. Blowing things up and setting things on fire, is definitely a rite of passage for the male species.  Maybe it makes them regress back to their caveman ancestors...I MAN! I MAKE FIRE!!

Whatever your plans are today, BE SAFE! We have enough wild fires to contend with right now and having all ten fingers, comes in handy for most things...

Love, Kindness, Laughter, Faith!!

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