Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Here goes nothing!

Okay.  I did it!  I somehow managed to set this blog thing up, all by myself.  I am new to this, and am a complete blonde when it comes to the wonderful world of technology, so I am going to have to learn as I go and everyone will just have to bear with me as I do.  

It took me a while to decide to do this because I kept doing research on "what makes a good blog" and it kind of overwhelmed me.  Different How To sites kept giving all sorts of "tips" and recommendations, such as, have a witty title, pick one subject to focus on, keep it interesting, etc..... So with all that in mind, here it is.  My life is far too interesting/dysfunctional to just keep it to one subject. I have had such an array of experiences in my 30ish years, from losing my mom at an early age, to having a child with Down Syndrome, and A LOT, A LOT, A LOT, more in between! A LOT! So the one subject I can keep my focus on is LIFE.  I promise to keep it real, keep it honest, and hopefully make you laugh at times, too. 

So, a little about me....I am married to my best friend, Brian. No, seriously. We were 15 when we first met, after I moved to Kansas City when my mom was diagnosed with ALS.  He was the only person at that turbulent time in my life, that expected nothing from me and excepted me just the way I was. Which, back then, it is a miracle someone didn't kill me due to my horrible attitude!  After high school, Brian and I went our seperate ways. We both got married, had a few kids, and lost touch with eachother.  About 10 years and a divorce for each of us, Brian found me on a free Internet dating site that we both had only been on for a few days. Romantic stuff, huh?  Now here we are. A total of 6 kids between the two of us.  We have Kyle 17, Olivia 16, Brianne 15, Ian 11, Ruby 10, and our one, chromosomally enhanced, son together, Grant 2. And though we have our issues, we both feel we are finally exactly where we are supposed to be!

Now that the boring basics are out of the way, I hope you enjoy what is to come.  Please feel free to correct any grammar errors that you come across, as it has been a long time since English 101 for me.  Know that I tend to get a little exclamation point happy at times....ok a lot.  It's just my way of expressing myself.  Feel free to agree or disagree with me on my opinions. But remember we all have a right to our opinions and the freedom to express them.   
So, respectful, educated, and mature responses, (whether agreeing or disagreeing) will be the only kind of responses accepted. The rest will be deleted by the boss. Me. Because it's my blog and I can do what I want! So there! (How's that for maturity?)

Love, kindness, laughter, and faith!

*UPDATE*  I just got a call from my FAVORITE UNCLE PAT from Texas.  The word is accepted not excepted. Love to you! 


  1. You will NOT be getting any grammer or grammar checks from me. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
