Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Friends

Today at church, there was a new little girl, who happened to also have Down Syndrome, in Grant's Sunday school class.  As soon as I walked into the room crowded with two year olds, my eyes instantly zeroed in on her.  Another member of The Team.  That is what our little family calls other people with DS.  Because it feels like a team. It feels like we are a member of an elite club that not everyone can be a part of. And that's kind of cool.  Anyways..... After service, I went to get Grant and I hung out in the exit of the Sunday school, so I could meet the family of the new little girl.  As soon as we all saw each others children, that elite, top secret, instant bond thing, sprang into action.  It turns out that we live very close to one another and we have the same OT that comes to our house for the kiddos.  What a small, small, world!!  It amazes me what new doors have opened for me and my whole family, just by having been blessed with a child with a little extra chromosome.  We have met so many new friends, had opportunities to experience new, and amazing things, and just become better people, in our elite club, The Team.   Out of all the groups, or cliques, or teams, I've been part of in my life, this one is definitely my favorite.  My membership was instant and will last a lifetime.  And I couldn't be more thankful.  Besides my church, God gave me another place where I finally belong!  How great is that!?

                                                                      Eastland Friends

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