Saturday, April 13, 2013

Marriage 101

Yesterday, two of my favorite people got married.  My sister-in-law and my new brother-in-law, got married at the courthouse with their parents there to witness.  Very simple, inexpensive, and as always with a courthouse wedding, interesting.  Tonight will be the celebration......

                                 Brian, Grant, and I at our courthouse marriage.

Last night, as we dined with them and the rest of the family,  I got to thinking about some words of wisdom that I might be able to share with them.  Surely a woman that has been married twice has some sort of advice to give the young newlyweds, right??  Not so much....  It was hard to come up with something to say, so I just didn't.  Then I realized that no advice is perfect advice sometimes.  Of course, it could just be the lazy part of me thinking, BUT, we live in a world of  advice OVERLOAD!!  If they want advice, they can just Google it!! (insert a little giggle)  But I can honestly say, listening to every one's solicited, or as it is most of the time, unsolicited advice, can absolutely ruin a marriage.  So here are my TIPS (disclaimer: I am not a licensed professional in ANYTHING.  I am also a little crazy.  Take what I say with a grain of salt and a margarita, followed by a shot to tequila)

1. Marriage sometimes sucks.  There will be times you consider homicide. 

2. DO NOT commit homicide.

3. People that say they have a "perfect marriage" are liars.  There is no such    thing.  Stay away from those people.  They are delusional but probably well medicated.

4. Do not do anything to your spouse that you do not want done to you.  This is HUGE!  

5. HAVE FUN! Don't take anything in life to serious. Don't hold grudges. LAUGH. Forgive. Encourage. Respect. Don't make promises you can't keep. Stay on the same team. 

 Just like anything in life, it can be as hard, or as easy as you make it. The rest is up to you!!  Good luck! 


Love, Kindness, Laughter, and Faith.

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