Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Place

Does anyone else go back to "the way things used to be" when things in the present, are just about to lead you to the nearest psych ward?  I know you are not supposed to live in the past, and I don't really think that's what I'm doing, rather, I think I am going to my Happy Place.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my life.  I love my family.  But sometimes I have to wonder when I became this person that I am. I will admit that I couldn't wait to grow up, I actually rushed the process, but there is very little that I would change.  So far, it has been one heck of a journey.

With that said, here is my Happy Place.... I was in my early 20's, two kids, living in Iowa, no money, driving an old WOOD PANELLED 1980ish minivan that was given to us by my husband at the time, parents.  Every weekend, it seemed, our friends would come from KC to spend a couple days.  And when I say friends, I mean 3 different couples and their small kids at that time.  None of us had any money, but we would schrounge up enough to get beer for the guys and margarita mix for the wives.  The men folk would hang around and do their thing and us girls would watch the kiddos, sit on the deck, and sip margaritas.  One time we decided to put highlights in each others hair and we all walked around with Wal-Mart bags on our heads.  We always had music on, as we couldn't afford cable.  We actually played BOARD GAMES, dominoes, and cards...We went on a few canoe trips when we could get enough money together, and our kids watched for the weekend. 

Those were some of the best memories of my life.  Because life was simple.  And yes, we had our not so great moments, usually due to the psycho of our little wives club, but what's a wives club without the star psycho, right?

Now, half of us are divorced and some, like me, very happily remarried.  We see each other at our kids football games and keep in touch via Facebook, but we have all grown up.  And admittedly, sometimes being a grown up, sucks!  But this entry is to give a little shout out to my first/only wives club.  You ladies were the best!  The memories I shared with you are irreplaceable and I will always consider you guys my family!  Thank you for being a part of my life.  Thank you for the good times.  I love you all....with one exception.....

Love, Kindness, Laughter, & Faith

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