Thursday, September 13, 2012

A day OFF

I have absolutely nothing to do today, and I am excited!  I have no where to be, no one scheduled to be here, nothing to run to the store for that can't wait until tomorrow.....I am almost FREE!!  I say almost because I still have a two year old to take care of, and though a lot of people see that as a no pressure type of vacation, I dare said people to come to my house for a few days and try this "vacation" on for size. And I will get a good laugh as they sprint back to their full time, "stressful", nine to five job!

But, back to my "day off".  Today I will sit here on this computer for a little while, stalking my friends and family on Facebook.  I will hop over to Pinterest  to give my ego a little boost when I see how many more people have repinned my alfredo sauce mix, and then proceed to scope out other brilliant ideas that I just can't live without. I will then play with Grant for a little while and do a little sign language refresher with him, maybe a few flash cards as well. I will clean the kitchen and unload the dishwasher. By then it will be time to feed Grant lunch and after that, get him down for a nap. That is when I will have a few hours of absolute peace and quiet. I may even sit down and try to read the book I've been trying to start for a few weeks now. Then when the G-man wakes up, I will give him his bath early, get dinner started, put that last load of laundry in, and wait for Brian to get home.  After dinner, I will,clean the kitchen, fold the laundry, clean the baby, and relax for an hour before getting ready for bed. 

I love these days when I have nothing to do!! If only I had remembered the bon bon's.........

Have a fantastic day everyone!

Love, Kindness, Laughter, and Faith,

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