Wednesday, September 19, 2012


My family, and many other families in the Kansas City area, are gearing up and raising money for our annual Step Up For Down Syndrome walk.  This will be the third year for team Grant The Great. It is a day that all of us, graced by a loved one with Down Syndrome, get together, eat, play, and take a lap around Arrowhead Stadium, to raise money for the organization responsible for bringing us all together as a family. The organization responsible for sending warriors, mostly led by our amazing director, Amy Allison, into schools and businesses, and hospitals, educate and open minds about Down Syndrome. The organization that doesn't just send welcome baskets to parents, like Brian and I, whom were shocked to learn that our newborn had that extra chromosome, but personally delivers them and will sit and talk to them, and welcome them to the family.  The organization that counsels and supports parents who get a prenatal diagnosis of DS, and prepares them for their wonderful and "enhanced" bundle of joy!  The Down Syndrome Guild of Kansas City, is run by, supported by, and employs, real life angels!  Help us give back to these angels, so they can continue to empower more families, and open more minds!

Please take a moment and check out and support our DSG FAMILY!





Love, kindness, laughter, and faith!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A day OFF

I have absolutely nothing to do today, and I am excited!  I have no where to be, no one scheduled to be here, nothing to run to the store for that can't wait until tomorrow.....I am almost FREE!!  I say almost because I still have a two year old to take care of, and though a lot of people see that as a no pressure type of vacation, I dare said people to come to my house for a few days and try this "vacation" on for size. And I will get a good laugh as they sprint back to their full time, "stressful", nine to five job!

But, back to my "day off".  Today I will sit here on this computer for a little while, stalking my friends and family on Facebook.  I will hop over to Pinterest  to give my ego a little boost when I see how many more people have repinned my alfredo sauce mix, and then proceed to scope out other brilliant ideas that I just can't live without. I will then play with Grant for a little while and do a little sign language refresher with him, maybe a few flash cards as well. I will clean the kitchen and unload the dishwasher. By then it will be time to feed Grant lunch and after that, get him down for a nap. That is when I will have a few hours of absolute peace and quiet. I may even sit down and try to read the book I've been trying to start for a few weeks now. Then when the G-man wakes up, I will give him his bath early, get dinner started, put that last load of laundry in, and wait for Brian to get home.  After dinner, I will,clean the kitchen, fold the laundry, clean the baby, and relax for an hour before getting ready for bed. 

I love these days when I have nothing to do!! If only I had remembered the bon bon's.........

Have a fantastic day everyone!

Love, Kindness, Laughter, and Faith,