Now don't get me wrong, I try very hard, and am usually successful, at not comparing myself, or my children, to others. But every once in a while, I doubt my decision to live a, Take it as it comes, life. Problem is, that's all I know. Not to mention the fact that I am a total commitment phobe. My other problem is that I love the time I have with my family. With a blended family, it is very hard to schedule ANYTHING. Especially when one of us (not me) has an ex-spouse that thrives on making our lives difficult.
So we just roll....we have learned to take life as it comes, and try our best to make it awesome. And if that means playing in the dirt piles the idiot foundation guys left in front of our house, so be it. If that means watching animated movies for at least the next 10 years, cool! (Of course, my dad watched cartoons until the day he died)
We may not make it to Disney World, or a septic, petri dish cruise...But we will do our best to enjoy what we can and WILL do. Yes, I am hoping this includes a tropical island trip at some point....BUT, well, there's just no buts about that one.
So far, everything we have set out to do, we have done. I DO as much as I can. Maybe when my life is in another season, I will be able to do more. For now, it's day by day. Because no one has promised me tomorrow!
Love, Kindness, Laughter, and FAITH!